Local Policy
The local policy committee works to provide comprehensive and digestive overviews of the political history, positions, and scope in San José and Santa Clara County. This committee also works to provide overviews of ways for the community to be civilly engaged--from local government meetings to the November election--and is research focused. This committee is more patchwork than others, with individuals joining for specific projects on and off.
Meet the Resident Experts
We have provided breakdowns of happenings in local government on key issues such as rental control, redlining, and cops on campus
Calls to Action
We have shared dozens of opportunities for civic engagement through calls to action support on issues important to the SJS team
Voter Guides
We have covered that 2020 and 2022 elections with infographics and websites consolidating resources and breaking down key ballot issues
Local Government Database
Our team documents how our local government works, local officials’ positions and contacts, and key stats on local neighborhoods